June 20, 2007

Vegetable Tuesday

So Tim and I have invested in a farm for the season.....

Curious how?

Well, friends of ours told us about ManoRun Farm, which is an organic farm in Ancaster that you can buy "shares" in and in return get a delivery of vegetables every Tuesday. The price was very reasonable (only 225 for the entire season (June to October)) so we decided to try it out.

Last week was our first delivery, and we got a giant bag of spinach, another large bag of leaf lettuce, fresh mint, another random spice, chives and rhubarb. Apparently this was a "small" delivery, but Tim and I were barely able to finish it and only did so by sharing with some friends and family.

Yesterday was delivery #2, and in our basket we got:
- generous bunch of Bok Choi
- another giant bag of spinach
- a bigger bag of leaf lettuce than last week
- swiss chard
- a HUGE portion of fresh mint
- beets
- green onions
- sugar snap peas

It's kinda fun, because every week is sorta like Christmas, you don't really know what you'll be getting, and even when you do get it it's a surprise!

I plan to try and post what vegetables we get every Tuesday, because there are a variety of veggies I don't really know what to do with....and may need suggestions on how to prepare/cook it (I'm looking at you Richard!)

So feel free to post ideas on how I can cook my veggies, and stay tuned for the variety of good stuff to come!!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laura - I think you can freeze mint to use it later. Although it may go brown... but it would be fine for cooking!