June 07, 2007

A day of firsts...

This past Sunday we had the pleasure of joining the Berezny/Radford side of the family for a wonderful day of Blue Jays baseball and then a visit to the CN Tower.

The Blue Jays game was in honour of Grandpa Radford and Mary and a gift that they had gotten at Christmas and all of us were lucky enough to be a part of. We got to join them at the Renaissance hotel to watch a Jays game from a very nice hotel suite attached to the Roger's Centre (aka Skydome). This was my first visit to a major league baseball game, or any "major league" sporting event, so I was very excited! And it was lots of fun!

Mary, Grandpa and Tim surveying the pre-game set up

Me catching all the action

Tim and Mom Berezny

After the Jays game (which they won 4-3!) we headed to the CN Tower to celebrate Tim's graduation from his MBA! I had never been up the CN Tower before, nor had I dined at the 360 restaurant, and both were exciting (and a little scary at times....I have a tiny fear of heights....)

This was the view from the restaurant. Pretty cool eh? I was actually sitting on the rotating part of the restaurant, and as Tim was taking this picture I was slowly moving away. PT side note: Look at my elbow! Totally hyper-extended...yikes!

Yummy "Congratluations" dessert our waiter brought Tim :)

Tim and I laying on the (gulp) glass floor....yes, it was glass, and yes I stood on it....Tim had to lead me out on it, but I did it!

We had a wonderful evening and it was really nice to spend time and catch up a bit with family! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I'm proud of you Laura! You know how I hate heights, so going out on a "glass floor" that high up sure wouldn't be for me! In fact I don't ever expect to have the nerve to go up in the CN tower! But, it sounds like it was an amazing day and you both looked very attractive :) luv mom.