April 30, 2007


I had decided a few months ago that I would get Tim a Wii for his birthday. He's been asking for one since it came out before Christmas, and I had told him he should wait until it's been out on the market for a little bit until we have an idea of whether it's a dud or not. And it's good we waited, because there's been issues with the wrist strap, where people don't tighten them up and throw the controller right into their TV. That would suck. :P

About three weeks ago Tim and I were at Fortinos doing groceries, and I had actually started looking around for the Wii because it turns out it was super popular and hard to get your hands on. I don't have a lot of experience in the video game world and I had just assumed I'd be able to walk into a store 8 months after the release of the system and be able to buy it off the shelf. ANYWAY, back to Fortinos....it's a grocery store for those of you not in the Golden horseshoe area, and the one Tim and I frequently shop at includes a rather extensive electronics department. Needless to say, on this normal grocery day, I was in an aisle looking at cereal I think, and Tim came RUNNING, yes running up to me with a big grin on his face, grabbed my hand and told me he had to show me something. Sure enough, they had a Wii in Fortinos of all places. So Tim got his birthday present early. Since then we've had some fun creating Miis (computerised versions of people) and playing tennis, bowling etc. Last weekend my mom and gramma came over for dinner, and I had the opportunity to play some tennnis with my mom. It was a blast! Dad, you definitely need to try this! You'd love it. :)

Mom prepping for the good time fun.......


Richard Siemens said...

Yo Laura - the video is private - We can't watch it unless you make it public or send us a invite to view it.

Everyone I know who has a Wii loves it. Make me almost feel bad for working for the competition.

Laura B said...

um....how do i make it public? or send you an invite to view it? (i'm a little slow on the audiovisual stuff...) :(

Richard Siemens said...

I have no idea - I'm a photographer, not a videographer :)