April 20, 2007

Tim's favorite medical terms

My husband really enjoys some of the medical jargon for different body parts etc that he often hears me and colleagues talking about. Here's some of his favorites:

Medulla oblongata (in the brainstem)

Scapula (he likes to pronounce it sca-poo-la) (it's the shoulder blade)

Supraspinatus (muscle in the shoulder)

Metatarsals (bones in the foot)

Mandible (jaw bone) - Tim likes it in the context of "Mandibles of death"

Meniscus (padding in the knee)

Brachial plexus (bundle of nerves in the neck/shoulder region)


Richard Siemens said...

I'm married to a soon-to-be eye doctor, so the words I like are probably related to eyes (although, true be told, I have no friggin clue what they mean).
* Ganglion
* Papilloma
* Sarcoid
* Squamous
* Trypsion
* Zygomatic

If I ever get to name a horse, I think I'll name him Ganglion :)

Tim Berezny said...

Ganglion... that's a good one...