May 10, 2008

One of those days

Life can be funny sometimes. Without any reason, any trigger, you can be really grumpy. And not know why.

Today I had a very grumpy day. I was in a fairly foul mood, and my poor husband had to deal with my short fuse and impatience. Why was I grumpy? I honestly don't know. I didn't wake up on the wrong side of the bed, nothing terrible happened, it sort've just crept up on me over the day. It's odd.

Was it hormones? Maybe....Was it circumstances? It's possible...I never enjoy being in a car for long periods and we were in the car a lot today. All I can say is that when we got home tonight I was a big grump. And I knew it, and I felt bad.

So I went for a walk for about 40 minutes, all by myself, not going in any particular direction, without a particular goal, just to walk. And I thought and I talked to God. And it was good. My foul mood has improved, I think something may be weighing on me. I'm not sure what, but at least I am aware of it and can pray about it. And I'd appreciate your prayers to, if you're inclined to do so.

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