March 24, 2007

One time lucky, two times blessed

So I've been on placement for the past three weeks at McMaster Children's Hospital in the acute care ward. It's really interesting and challenging, and I am enjoying it.

This week I sure realised God's looking after me, because there was 20 confirmed cases of rotavirus (really nasty gastro flu, basically comin' out both ends nonstop for 24-48 hours) on one of the floors I work on. I'm not on that floor very often, but even being there and touching door handles, charts etc puts you at greater risk.

Wednesday morning I got into work a little early because I wanted to be a keener and have the patient lists printed off and to have checked the referral books, just because I'm usually there just on time. I wanted to make a good impression on my preceptors. Usually I start work at about 8:30, so I showed up in enough time to have everything ready for 8:30. Well 8:30 rolled around, then 9 o'clock came and neither of my preceptors showed up. I was a little confused, and I didn't really know what to do. There was a message on our phone, but I didn't know how to check it. So I paged one of the other PTs we work with and found out how to check messages. It turns out BOTH of my preceptors had come down with rotavirus, and there I was, healthy as can be!

You might say that's just luck, but it's the second time in less than a month that I have been exposed to a nasty gastro flu and been totally fine. About 4 weeks ago Tim got REALLY sick with Norwalk that was going around at his work, and I stayed home and looked after him for two days, and was totally fine.

All I can say is that I am very grateful that I haven't gotten it so far, and I really believe it's God looking out for me, because right now I can't afford to be missing placement or school.

Just thought I'd share my fun story. Hope you all are well.


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