Anyways, I will get into more details about Thanksgiving weekend adventures in my next post. Today I wanted to talk about pie. Mom brought some great raspberry amaretto pie that she had made and then a yummy pumpkin pie that she bought from the St Jacob's Farmer's market. Now I never used to be a fan of pumpkin pie, in fact I don't think I started liking it until I had friends over for Thanksgiving dinner in first or second year. I made pumpkin pie for the occasion because it seemed like the thing to do, and for some reason loved it. Since then it's been up on my list of favorite desserts. But I digress....
Today was kind've one of those crazy random days, where you feel like the whole world just doesn't know what to do with you - whether it's going to embrace you in its arms and make everything great or stomp on you like a giant. The day started off ok, I got up, did my reading before PBT (class that is), and PBT went really well. I haven't been feeling quite right in my PBT so far this term, for some reason it just hasn't felt like a fit. But today seemed to go well and I felt more comfortable, so that was good. But then the randomness started....basically, I had some real challenges with my placement for PT this term. I have been placed at another out-patient orthopedic clinic, which is fine, but I was really hoping for a placement in cardiorespiratory PT. So I went for a run with Sherri, and it was great and really lifted my spirits. YAY endorphins! When I came home, I found out that I had actually gotten a reply back about one of the placements I had hoped to get, but since I hadn't checked my email, it had been given to someone else in class at lunch hour. But then I got an email from the girl who got the placement and she told me that she was interested in the placement I currently had. Anyway, by this point I was a little confused as to what to do, because it seemed like I was being taunted with the placement - now you have it, now you don' I ate some pie.

I cut myself a small piece of pumpkin pie, warmed it up in the microwave (yes we finally caved and got one!) and got out the whipped cream. Have you ever noticed though that it's a lot easier to get lots of whipped cream out of the can, but if you only want a small amount, it just seems to elude you? This was the case for me as well, this tiny piece of pie with an awful lot of whipped cream.
As I was sitting at the table, eating my pie, I started is alot like pie.
You get this yummy concoction of ingredients - much like life, each ingredient (person, situation) adds a dimension to the flavor of life, and without any of those ingredients, the pie wouldn't work. And then there's the whipped cream, the little extras in life - like finding a really cute dress at JC Penney's that you didn't even realise you needed until you saw it, or getting a placement that you really wanted.
A little bit of whipped cream is great - we all need some sweet extras now and then. But if you're always putting tons of whipped cream on top of your pie, eventually you're going to start missing out on the great flavor of the original, base ingredients. So I guess every now and then it's ok to have some pie without whipped cream.....? :)
Needless to say, I decided to stick with the placement I have (although the decision was not based solely on what the pie told me). :P
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